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145 Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana State University

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: February 17, 2023
145.1 The University Faculty

145.1.1 Source of Authority. The source of all authority exercised by the ISU Board of Trustees, the administration, the University Faculty, and the students is the Constitution of the State of Indiana and the laws passed thereunder. The authority of the University Faculty to participate in the determination of the policies of Indiana State University shall be within the limitations of the policies established by the ISU Board of Trustees in the exercise of its constitutional authority.

145.1.2 Definition of University Faculty. All appointees with academic rank and the professional librarians shall constitute the regular faculty of Indiana State University.

145.1.3 Voting Members. Only regular members shall be voting members of the University Faculty.

145.1.4 Meetings.

  • Regular Meetings. The University Faculty shall hold one (1) regular meeting during each academic year at the President's Fall Address. 
  • Special Meetings. Special meetings of the University Faculty may be called by the University President, by the University Faculty Senate, or must be called by the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate on petition of ten (10) percent of the voting members of the University Faculty, or as provided in Section 145.5.2.
  • Notice. Meetings of the University Faculty shall be announced by the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate at least one (1) week in advance, except in emergencies.
  • Presiding Member. The University President shall preside over University Faculty meetings. In his/her absence, the Chairperson of the University Faculty Senate shall preside.
  • Officers. The officers of the University Faculty Senate shall serve as the officers of the University Faculty.
  • Quorum. One-third of the voting members of the University Faculty shall constitute a quorum.
  • Actions. Substantive actions shall be confined to the passing of resolutions and the introduction of legislative proposals to be voted on by physical or electronic ballot.

145.1.5 University Faculty Vote. Within two (2) weeks after a University Faculty meeting in which legislative proposals have been introduced, the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate shall prepare a ballot for the purpose of voting on the proposals and mail it to each voting member of the University Faculty.

  • Ballots. Ballots shall be returned to the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate within two (2) weeks of the date on which they were mailed by the Secretary. Ballots shall be counted and recorded in the presence of the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate.
  • Majority Vote. The proposal in question shall become effective upon approval by a majority of those voting, and by at least 40 per cent of the voting membership of the University Faculty.
145.2 Legislative Authority of the University Faculty
  • 145.2.1 Means of Exercising Authority. The legislative authority of the University Faculty will normally be exercised by the University Faculty Senate and by the committees of that body, as outlined in Section 145.4 and the bylaws of this constitution. The University Faculty may, however, exercise its legislative authority directly in faculty meetings and votes as provided for in Sections 145.1.4 and 145.1.5, and in Section 145.2.4.
  • 145.2.2 Primary Authority. Subject to the limitations of Section 145.1.1, the University Faculty shall have authority to formulate policy governing:
    1. The curriculum of the University.
    2. The facilitation of teaching and research.
    3. The structure of the University with reference to academic matters.
    4. Standards for admission and retention of students.
    5. Requirements for the granting of academic degrees.
    6. Faculty conduct and discipline.
    7. Faculty appointment, retention, tenure, and promotion.
    8. Freedom of expression and academic freedom.
    9. Aspects of student life which relate directly to the educational process.
    10. The necessary and proper implementation of the foregoing powers.
    • Actions Requiring ISU Board of Trustees Approval. University Faculty Senate actions requiring approval of the ISU Board of Trustees and University Faculty Senate actions in the area of its primary authority with which the University President does not concur shall be transmitted to the ISU Board of Trustees by the University President with his/her recommendations no later than the second board of trustees meeting following such action.
  • 145.2.3 Advisory Authority. The University Faculty is properly concerned with and should actively participate in decisions made on other matters that may affect the educational policies for which it is primarily responsible. Therefore, the University Faculty shall have authority to advise on all matters of institutional policy and decision, particularly those matters dealing with:
    1. Selection and removal of the principal administrative officers having university-wide responsibilities, as well as the creation or abolition of such offices.
    2. University budgets.
    3. Faculty benefits, including salaries, insurance, retirement, and leaves.
    4. Research or service obligations to private or public agencies.
    5. Student conduct and discipline.
    6. Campus development and physical facilities.
    7. The academic calendar.
    • Notice to University Faculty Senate. In the performance of this advisory function it is necessary that the University Faculty Senate be apprised in advance of significant prospective actions by the administration and the ISU Board of Trustees.
  • 145.2.4 University Faculty Veto. The University Faculty shall have the power to veto any action of the University Faculty Senate. The procedure shall be as follows:
    1. A University Faculty meeting shall be called by petition as provided in Section 145.1.4, or Section 145.5.2, for the purpose of discussing the University Faculty Senate action in question.
    2. The procedure outlined in Section 145.1.5, shall be followed to determine the will of the University Faculty.
145.3 Structure of the University Faculty Senate
  • 145.3.1 Membership.
    • Faculty Representatives. . The Senate will be composed of a varying number of eligible regular faculty equal to the sum of the numbers apportioned to the Colleges. If a College does not fill a Senate seat during the regular Senate election process, that seat shall remain vacant for the academic year and the seat shall not count to the total number of seats when determining whether a quorum has been met. 
      • Census of Faculty.  A Census of regular faculty shall be conducted by a designee of the Provost on the first workday on or after February 15 of each year and be provided to a designee of the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate. It shall include sufficient information to identify the name, rank, college, and email address of each regular faculty member.
      • Apportionment. Each college shall be apportioned Senators in the amount of one-fifteenth (rounded at the mid-point) of its faculty with a minimum of one.
      • University Library. In this Constitution the word “college” shall be understood to include the University Library as a coordinate academic subdivision.
      • College of Graduate and Professional Studies, University College, and Honors College. The College of Graduate and Professional Studies, the University College and the Honors College are not coordinate academic subdivisions in this sense and are not entitled to separate representation in the University Faculty Senate.
    • Administration Representatives. Five (5) administrators shall hold speaking seats in the University Faculty Senate. They shall comprise the University President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and three (3) other administrators appointed by the University President.
    • Student Representatives. Five (5) students shall hold speaking seats in the University Faculty Senate. They shall comprise the President of the Student Government Association, three (3) students elected by the Student Government Association Senate, and the President of the Graduate Student Association.
    • Other Representatives. Other persons with speaking seats on the University Faculty Senate shall include the Temporary Faculty Advocate and the Chair of Staff Council.
  • 145.3.2 Eligibility and Terms of Membership. All persons who at the time of election are voting members of the University Faculty, as defined above, shall be eligible for election to the University Faculty Senate, except as provided in the following paragraph and except as provided below for re-election.
    • Ineligible Administrators. No voting member of the University Faculty who occupies the position of Assistant Dean, or who occupies a position determined by the University Faculty Senate to have administrative status equal or superior to that of Assistant Dean shall be eligible for election to the University Faculty Senate.
    • Term. The term of office of elected faculty members shall be two (2) years. 
    • Term Limitation for Faculty. No elected faculty member may serve more than two (2) consecutive two-year terms.
    • Term Limitation for Administrative Members. The appointed administrative members shall serve one-year terms, but may be reappointed without limitation.
    • Term Limitation for Student Representatives. The elected student representatives shall serve one-year terms, but may be re-elected once.
  • 145.3.3 Manner of Election of University Faculty Representatives.
    • Nomination. A candidate for election to a faculty seat is nominated by a petition signed by 33% or ten (10) voting faculty of their college, whichever is less, and addressed to the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate.
    • Election. The names of the nominees of each college shall be placed upon a ballot which the University Faculty Senate shall cause to be distributed to the voting members of that college. The seats apportioned to that academic unit shall be filled by the nominees receiving the largest number of votes; if two (2) or more nominees have an equal number of votes for the last seat or seats to be filled, the ties shall be resolved by lot.
    • Timing of Nomination and Election. Nominations will normally close the Friday after the return from Spring Break. The Faculty Senate Chairperson may extend this deadline by one (1) week if there are fewer nominees from a college than there are open seats for that college. The election shall commence within one (1) week after the close of nominations and faculty will be given one (1) week to vote.
    • Attendance Policy. Senators on leave who will not be attending the Senate meetings for a semester are expected to notify the Senate Chair so that temporary alternates can be appointed. Other senators who miss two meetings in a semester will be reminded by the Senate Chair of their obligation to attend. If the senator misses an additional meeting during the remainder of the academic year, the senator may lose his/her seat upon a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  If so, an alternate will be appointed if one is available, and the college the senator had represented will be notified of the change of status.
    • Vacancies. Should a Senate seat become vacant before the end of the term of office because of death, resignation, leave of absence, or other such circumstance, it shall be filled for the period of vacancy by using the results from the most recent Senate election and offered to the nominee (not currently a member of the University Faculty Senate) of the affected college who had the largest vote, and so on successively until the seat is filled. Should a replacement not be identified in this manner, the college shall select a nominee using a process defined in its Constitution, and approved by the Faculty Senate, which must include notification to the Faculty Senate Chair of any representative thus elected. However, if the vacancy occurs because a College failed to garner sufficient nominees to fill the vacancies in the most recent Sentate election, those seats will remain vacant until the next election. No faculty member (without regard to the process used to make the selection) will be eligible to fill a vacancy if they were not eligible in the most recent election on which a vote has been held. For the period of time when a Senate seat is unoccupied, the seat shall not count to the total number of seats when determining whether a quorum has been met. 
    • Election Committee. Superintendence of all aspects of the election process shall be the charge of the Committee. Physical ballots shall be secured in the Faculty Senate office. Electronic Ballots shall be cast and stored in a manner consistent with maintaining the integrity of such ballots. The Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate shall conduct an annual audit of elections to verify that the elections were conducted properly and that the votes were counted accurately.
  • 145.3.4 Officers of the University Faculty Senate.
    • Composition. The officers of the University Faculty Senate shall be a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Parliamentarian. Only elected faculty members may serve as officers.
    • Term. The officers shall serve for one (1) year but may be re-elected.
    • Timing. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary of the newly constituted University Faculty Senate shall be elected at the first organizational meeting. The Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate at its first meeting. This nomination shall be presented for confirmation by the members of the Faculty Senate at the first meeting of the Senate each fall.
    • Officer Vacancies. When events prevent the Chair of the Faculty Senate from completing his/her term, the title and duties of Chair of the Senate shall be assumed by the Vice- Chair.  When a vacancy exists in the position of Vice-Chair or Secretary of the Faculty Senate, the Chair shall call for nominations from members of the Senate at the next scheduled Faculty Senate meeting; the election shall be held immediately after the close of nominations (by secret ballot if there is more than one nominee).  All members of the Senate, including sitting members of the Senate Executive Committee may stand for election to a vacant officer position; if a member of the Executive Committee is elected to an officer seat, the newly vacated executive committee seat shall then be filled in accordance with other provisions in this constitution (e.g., Policy 145, Section 3.5.5).
    • Presiding Officers. The University President, or in his/her absence the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, shall preside at the organizational meeting of the newly constituted University Faculty Senate meeting until the officers are elected.
  • 145.3.5 The Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate.
    • Composition. The Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate shall include nine (9) voting members of the University Faculty Senate: the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary of the University Faculty Senate, and six (6) members elected by the University Faculty Senate. The University President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall have speaking seats on the Executive Committee.
    • Officers. The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and Secretary of the University Faculty Senate shall be the officers of the Executive Committee.
    • Nomination and Election. The six (6) elected members of the Executive Committee shall be nominated at the April meeting of the newly constituted University Faculty Senate, their election to be supervised by the officers of the University Faculty Senate as soon as those officers have themselves been elected.
    • Term of Service. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall serve from June 1 of the upcoming academic year to May 31 of the following year.
    •  Vacancies.  When death, resignation, or other events create a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the seat shall be filled by offering it to members of the Senate who were nominated and included on the ballot in the most recent Executive Committee election, in order of votes received.  Ties will be resolved by lot.  If the list of previous nominees is exhausted and the seat remains unfilled, the Chair shall call for nominations at the next scheduled Senate meeting; the election shall be held immediately after the close of nominations (by secret ballot if there is more than one nominee).
145.4 Operation of the University Faculty Senate
  • 145.4.1 Meetings.
    • Regular Meetings. The University Faculty Senate shall meet in the 3rd, 7th, 11th and 15th week of the Fall and Spring semesters. The newly constituted University Faculty Senate shall hold its first meeting in April. The sole purpose of this meeting will be the election of officers and nomination of members of the Executive Committee.
      • Opening of Academic Year. The newly constituted University Faculty Senate and its committees, confirmed at the last meeting of the University Faculty Senate in the previous academic year, shall begin functioning with the opening of the academic year.
      • Contemporaneous Participations. Members of the Senate may participate and vote in person or electronically as long as they are contemporaneously present (in either manner for the meeting). Any member anticipating participation by electronic means will inform the Chairperson who will facilitate that participation. 
      • Emergency Circumstances. Upon joint declaration of the Faculty Senate Chairperson and Provost, the Senate may conduct an email vote of the Faculty Senate when no other means of conducting business on a matter of primary authority exists. All motions (except to adjourn) taken in this circumstances shall require a two-thirds majority to pass. In such a case, not less than five (5) days of time for voting shall be allowed. Voting will not be allowed until the question has been debated for 72 hours via email. All comments should be directed to the entire Senate membership. The results of the vote shall not constitute a meeting and will be transmitted to the administration, but will constitute the sense of the Senate and will be subject to a vote at the next regular Senate meeting. 
      • Additional Meetings. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson, by resolution of the Executive Committee, or on a petition, addressed to the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate, of any 15 members of the Senate. A meeting of the University Faculty Senate shall also be called to consider any specific agendum presented by 50 members of the University Faculty.
        • Notice. Notice of all such additional meetings shall be published by the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate.
      • Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice per month September through April and during other months as necessary. Meetings will be called by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, by the Vice Chairperson. Notice of the meetings shall, whenever possible, be published by the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate.
      • Contemporaneous Participation. Members of the Executive Committee may participate and vote in person or electronically as long as they are contemporaneously present (in either manner for the meeting). Any member anticipating participation by electronic means will inform the Chairperson who will facilitate that participation.
      • Open Meetings. All meetings of the University Faculty Senate are open. Meetings of the Executive Committee are also open except when the Committee determines otherwise.
  • 145.4.2 Agenda and Minutes
    • Notice and Agenda. The agenda shall be published by the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate sufficiently in advance of each meeting of the University Faculty Senate. The agenda shall be compiled by the Chairperson and Secretary, acting when possible in consultation with the Executive Committee. In like fashion, agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee shall, whenever possible, be published in advance.
    • Minutes. Minutes of the Executive Committee and the University Faculty Senate shall be published and circulated to the faculty after each meeting.
  • 145.4.3 Quorum.
    • University Faculty Senate. Two-thirds of the voting membership of the University Faculty Senate shall constitute a quorum.
    • Executive Committee. Two-thirds of the voting membership of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
  • 145.4.4 Majority. With the exception of amendments, and, in some cases, bylaws to the Constitution proper, and of decisions to bring a matter to the floor of the University Faculty Senate without consideration by the standing committees or by the Executive Committee, a motion before the University Faculty Senate is passed when approved by a majority of those present and voting.
    • Amendments and Bylaws. Amendments require a two-thirds majority, and bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority, see Section 145.9. Decisions to bring a matter directly to the floor require a two-thirds majority; see Section 145.4.5 below.
    • Executive Committee. A motion before the Executive Committee is passed when approved by a majority of those present and voting.
  • 145.4.5 Channels of Legislative Action. The normal route of legislative and advisory action is for an agendum to be considered successively by a standing committee of the University Faculty Senate, by the Executive Committee, and by the entire University Faculty Senate. At each of these stages of consideration, a decision to reject or alter an agendum shall be final unless a sponsor of the agendum appeals the decision to the next higher authority.
    • Exceptions to the normal routing are:
      1. Resolutions without legislative significance may be considered by the University Faculty Senate at any time.
      2. An agendum presented to the University Faculty Senate for action by 50 members of the University Faculty may be considered directly.
      3. A protest from a college that an action of the University Faculty or University Faculty Senate has encroached upon its autonomy may be considered directly.
      4. The University Faculty Senate itself, by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, may choose to bring any matter directly onto the floor.
145.5 Interpretive Authority of the University Faculty
  • 145.5.1 Jurisdiction Relative to Administration and Students. In jurisdictional disputes with administration or students arising out of the exercise of the primary authority of the University Faculty, or in cases of inaction by the administration, the University Faculty Senate shall by majority vote express its judgment. Should the University Faculty Senate’s judgment be ignored, modified, or rejected, the University Faculty Senate may submit the question to the University Faculty as provided in Sections 145.1.4 and 145.1.5. If the administration or students do not agree to the University Faculty decision, the question shall be carried to the ISU Board of Trustees for determination.
    • Jurisdiction. Decisions on questions of jurisdiction shall be understood to be a reaffirmation of the basic assumption in the Preamble that all groups should be afforded the greatest possible latitude for the performance of their respective roles in the operation of the University.
  • 145.5.2 Jurisdiction Relative to the College/Library. When a college/library of the University, through its legislative body, protests an action of the University Faculty or the University Faculty Senate as encroaching on the autonomy of a college/library, the University Faculty Senate shall reconsider the question. The University Faculty Senate shall determine the issue unless the legislative body of the college/library appeals from this decision of the University Faculty Senate and the University Faculty. In such event, the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate shall call a meeting of the University Faculty and conduct a subsequent vote as provided in Sections 145.1.4 and 145.1.5.
145.6 Judicial Authority of the University Faculty
  • 145.6.1 Scope of Judicial Authority. The University Faculty shall have judicial authority on all matters over which it has primary or advisory legislative authority as defined in Sections 145.2.2 and 145.2.3.
  • 145.6.2 Jurisdiction.
    • Faculty Grievances. A member of the University Faculty or a group of faculty members may bring a grievance not falling within the authority of a college/library directly to the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate or may appeal a grievance to the Executive Committee after avenues of relief within the college/library affected have been exhausted.
    • Student Grievances. A student or group of students with an academic grievance may also follow these procedures.
  • 145.6.3 Review by Executive Committee. Both primary grievances and grievance appeals shall be presented in writing through the Secretary of the University Faculty Senate to the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate, which shall decide whether the grievance is of such a nature and locus as to warrant an initial hearing or appeals hearing before a standing committee.
    • Time for Filing. A grievance appeal must be filed within 20 working days of the decision being appealed.
    • Grievance Accepted for Hearing. A grievance accepted for hearing shall be transmitted by the Executive Committee to the standing committee within whose province the matter falls. This standing committee shall examine the issue with proper attention to due process and make a judgment.
  • 145.6.4 Procedure in Cases of Dismissal. When the grievance complained of is dismissal of a University Faculty member who has tenure or whose term of appointment has not expired, the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate shall refer a grievance accepted for hearing to the Faculty Dismissal Hearing Committee. The full procedure is specified in the Section 146.13 of this Constitution.
  • 145.6.5 Procedure in Grievance Hearings. When any other grievance is accepted for hearing, the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate shall refer it to the University Faculty Affairs Committee unless the grievance is deemed solely within the province of another standing committee. The full procedures for primary hearings and grievance appeal hearings before the University Faculty Affairs Committee are specified in Section 146.14 of this Constitution.
    • Procedures used by Standing Committee. Should the primary grievance hearing or grievance appeal hearing be held by a different standing committee, that committee shall follow the procedures specified for the University Faculty Affairs Committee.
145.7 Committees of the University Faculty
  • 145.7.1 Standing Committees. The standing committees of the University Faculty are created by the bylaws of this Constitution, which determine the size, composition, tenure, and duties of these committees. Standing committees are responsible to the University Faculty through the University Faculty Senate.
    • Open Meetings. Meetings of the standing committees are open, except when a committee determines otherwise.
    • Appointment of Members. Appointive members of the standing committees shall be appointed by, and may be discharged by, the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate with the approval of the University Faculty Senate. The membership of the standing committees should reflect the heterogeneous character of the University Faculty.
    • Representation. The members represent the University Faculty, not the college/library to which they may belong, and no college/library is as such entitled to representation on a standing committee.
  • 145.7.2 Special Committees. The University Faculty Senate may for special purposes and for determinate periods create special committees to investigate and make recommendations on any matter falling under the primary or advisory authority of the University Faculty.
    • Appointment of Members. The University Faculty Senate or the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate may, respectively, appoint or discharge members of such special committees.
145.8 Relationship with College/Library Governance Bodies
  • 145.8.1 Representative Governance. The faculty of the colleges/library are guaranteed a representative form of governance in respect to the formulation and administration of internal policy and the right to participate in the selection of their chief administrative officers.
    • Selection of Administrative Officers. Similarly, the faculty of each academic subdivision of the colleges/library are guaranteed the right to participate in the selection of its administrative officer.
  • 145.8.2 Plan of Internal Governance. Within one (1) year following the adoption of this Constitution, each existing college/library shall submit to the University Faculty Senate an acceptable plan of internal governance consistent with this Constitution and bylaws.
    • New College. Within one (1) year of the establishment of any new college, it shall submit to the University Faculty Senate an acceptable plan of internal governance consistent with this Constitution and Bylaws.
  • (Constitutions of the colleges/library have been approved/amended by the University Faculty Senate on the dates as indicated: College of Arts and Sciences – April, 2000; College of Business – April, 1998; College of Education – Fall, 1992; College of Health and Human Performance –May, 1996; College of Nursing – April, 2000; College of Technology – March, 1986; Library Faculty – April, 2003.)
  • 145.8.3 Autonomy of the Colleges/Library. Each college/library shall be autonomous in matters of internal policy, subject to the provisions of its constitution and bylaws and to actions of the University faculty and the University Faculty Senate pursuant to this Constitution and bylaws.
  • 145.8.4 College of Graduate and Professional Studies. The faculty of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, being already members of the faculties of their respective academic units, shall not as a graduate faculty have a representative form of governance. The policies of this College are determined by the Graduate Council of the University Faculty Senate subject to approval of the University Faculty Senate. The College of Graduate and Professional Studies is, therefore, excluded from the autonomy provided by this Constitution.
145.9 Amendments and Bylaws
  • 145.9.1 Amendments. This Constitution may be amended as follows. Any amendment of the Constitution must be accepted by the ISU Board of Trustees.
    • By preparation of a written statement of the proposed amendment signed by at least ten (10) members of the University Faculty Senate or ten (10) percent of the University Faculty.
    • By presentation of that statement at a regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate and approval by two-thirds of those present and voting at the next regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate; and
      1. By approval of that statement by the University Faculty in the manner provided in Sections 145.1.4 and 145.1.5.
    • Authorization to Make Minor Changes. When there is a need to make a change to any portion of the University Policy Library, including this Constitution, where that change is either merely grammatical or solely in response to a title change for a referenced position or office, the administration is authorized to execute that change upon Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate certification of the minor and inconsequential nature of that change. The Chairperson of the Faculty Senate will transmit that certification to the faculty.
  • 145.9.2 Bylaws. Bylaws to this Constitution shall become effective when:
    • Initiated by the University Faculty Senate; and either
    • Approved by two-thirds of the voting members of the University Faculty Senate and accepted by the ISU Board of Trustees; or
    • Approved by a majority of those present and voting in the University Faculty Senate and approved by the University Faculty in the manner provided in 145.1.5; and accepted by the ISU Board of Trustees.
145.10 Interpretation

145.10.1  Interpretation.  All questions regarding the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana State University shall be directed to the Faculty Senate Chairperson.  The Faculty Senate Chairperson shall immediately consult the other Senate officers and the Provost on all such questions of interpretation.  Their agreed-upon interpretation shall be communicated to the person or body asking for it and shall be considered the only valid interpretation of these sections.  If they fail to agree on an interpretation, they will present both the question and their respective interpretations to the University President who shall render the final interpretation.  The ISU Board of Trustees retains all authority as designated by the Indiana Code and the University Policy Library.

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